Mobile Mechanic Engine Repairs

Engine Repairs in Santa Ana
At Santa Ana Mobile Mechanic, over 60 years of combined mechanical experience have taught us a lot about engine repairs. It has taught us that just a little preventative maintenance can go a long way in all the areas of upkeep for your valuable engine. This will help keep you running for thousands of miles without needing a new engine. We perform all types of engine repair work, but our approach is to inform our clients about the correct care and maintenance needed to avoid expensive engine repairs or replacement. We've helped lots of customers enjoy a safe and trusted car that will keep running needing major engine repair work. To accomplish this, concentrate on:
Oil Change
We think you should change your oil every 3,000 miles. If you're using synthetic oil, you should change it every 6,000 miles. We have actually seen the damage that occurs from merely adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations of these prolonged service intervals. A lot of oil change trip lights will enable you to go between 5,000 to 10,000 miles before the light comes on. If you exceed our recommended intervals, you will see the excessive accumulation of sludge in some internal engine locations. The bearings inside your engine then get damaged as well as the Variable Valve Timing (VVT) elements, engine valves, crankshafts, valvetrains, cams, push rods, rocker arm assemblies, and timing chain assemblies.
Driving upwards of 10,000-12,000 miles per year generally indicates a lot of brief journeys to the shop, work, school, and around town. Idling for long periods of time as well as temps that might quickly go from 40 degrees in the morning to 90 in the afternoon is a perfect storm for internal engine build-up that will obstruct your oil passages much like plaque obstructs arteries.
Engine Tune-up
The majority of engines nowadays feature platinum or iridium tipped spark plugs that have an anticipated life of approximately 100,000 miles. Those numbers are based on lab testing. They don't take into account normal everyday driving conditions. We feel that you should change them around 60,000 miles. This will minimize the stress on the other components of your ignition system. Things like the ignition coil, computer control module, and spark plug wires won't be stressed as much if the plugs are new. Also, remember that rust develops in the threads of the steel plugs screwed into an aluminum head. These two different metals expand and contract at different rates and along with the combustion chamber gasses means that some damage might occur when you go past 100,000 miles that will demand engine repairs.
Timing Belts
Many cars are manufactured with rubber timing belts that is heavier than your car's other rubber alternator or cooling belt so as to manage the added pressure it must handle. Your car's camshaft and valves stay in proper sync with the pistons by the timing belt. If it breaks or slips due to regular wear and tear, the timing will be thrown off and pistons will then hit the valves and cause damage to these critical parts. It's less expensive to change a timing belt before it's broken, so proactive upkeep will potentially save you a lot of money. The majority of manufacturers suggest 60,000 to 90,000 mile intervals, but we'll be able to evaluate the last time it was changed or if it ever was. Either pay for pricey engine repair or select the option of cost-effective engine maintenance.
Timing Chains
All vehicles used to have timing chains, but most of today's cars and trucks come equipped with timing belts. They both do the same thing but the timing chain is enclosed within the engine compartment that is lubricated by being bathed in motor oil. The chain tensioner and chain guide wear out over time so we recommend that you have them evaluated and changed at 100,000 miles so you'll be able to avoid catastrophic breakdowns and expensive repairs. The chain, gears, tensioner, and guide are sold as an assembly so it's wise to just replace all of them at the same time.
Water Pumps
Today's vehicles use water pumps to circulate engine coolant. The coolant contains chemical additives that help to cool your engine in the summer and warm it in the winter. If your automobile has a timing belt, we always recommend changing the water pump at the same time the belt is changed because it's difficult to see the water pump as it's view is obstructed by the belt and pulleys. Most engines with a timing chain, however, have a more noticeable water pump and have a weep hole that begins to leak coolant when the bearing is going out. That is the indicator that it needs changing. That's why it's good to have an ASE Certified mechanic carrying out all of your regular servicings like tune-ups and oil changes. Their skills and experience when conducting routine maintenance will uncover unseen issues that if handled promptly will save you big money down the road. Our techs will find many things that your jiffy lube guy will miss or not even look for.
Head Gasket Repairs
Overheating is the worst enemy of your engine's head gaskets. Excessive heat causes the metal heads to expand and warp. This permits the head gasket to allow engine coolant to leak. When this happens, you'll need to have head gasket repairs done. Your head gasket keeps your engine oil, engine coolant (antifreeze), and high-pressure combustion chamber separated. If it has over 120,000 miles, a head gasket leak will probably be a catastrophic event and your engine will not be repairable.
So it is crucial that your engine never gets too hot. Keeping it cool from a coolant leak, faulty radiator, or blown radiator hose is very important. Each time we see your vehicle, our experienced mechanics will evaluate your cooling system and try to find possible failures to ensure you do not experience an unexpected emergency situation that a too-hot engine can trigger. Stop immediately and call us if you ever see your engine temp light come on while driving. Don't run the risk of significant engine damage attempting to get it home, it's not worth the possible high cost that includes an engine replacement.
At Santa Ana Mobile Mechanic, we have a complete, professional staff of ASE Certified Mechanics to manage all of your engine repair work or replacement requirements in Santa Ana and surrounding areas. No matter what make or model your car is, our engine professionals have the skills and advanced equipment to properly identify, service, and repair your engine on time and at the right price as well as provide other mobile auto repair services in Santa Ana.